How to Stop Negative Thoughts with the NLP technique?

How to Stop Negative Thoughts with the NLP technique?

 Neuro-linguistic programming can swiftly and effortlessly improve your mood and take you on the path of personal growth and development. Not one�or two� but there are several NLP techniques that can help you live a more enjoyable and meaningful life and identify and eliminate negative thought patterns and processes. In this blog, we will talk about three very effective NLP techniques that might change your thought process and fill you up with positivity.


1. Anchoring

A fairly common NLP technique, Anchoringhas the power to instantly take you into a positive mental state. Almost anything, such as an image, a word, or a gesture that strongly connects and takes you into a positive state, can be used as an Anchor. Anchoring improves an individual�s ability to manage emotions and feel in control of their state under any circumstances.

How to use the anchoring NLP technique:

  • Identify a memory, an activity, song that unfailingly takes through an intense positive feeling that you want to trigger in other situations.
  • Note what you exactly felt, saw, smelled, or heard in that particular moment.
  • Bring the memory to its most intense point and then associate those feelings to an anchor (e.g. twist a ring on your finger, pinch your earlobe, tap on a knuckle, etc).
  • Take a small break and perform the above steps again.
  • Test the anchor (e.g. pinch your earlobe) to derive the same intense feeling.

This method can be used whenever you need an emotional push, either on its own or along with the other NLP techniques

 Anchoring is based on the psychological concept of conditioning, where a particular action triggers certain specific feelings. Anchoring lets you derive the feeling you want through repetition. It benefits you by letting you control your emotions. Anchoring can even be helpful in overcoming phobias and irrational fears.


2. Reframing

Reframing is an amazing NLP process that enables you to expand your perspectives and look at things from a different frame instead of looking at the negative events. In other words, reframing drives away your focus from the negative and feeling overpowered and takes it to the positive and empowered.


How to reframe an unwanted negative thought:

  • Identify the exact thought that takes you into a negative state or behavior, which you wish to change.
  • Make contact with the innermost part of yourself which is triggering the negative mood. It could be an image, voice, expression, etc.
  • Try to extract the positive motive behind, why that part is triggering this negative thought.
  • Try two or three ways of addressing that positive motive without triggering that negative thought. i.e alternative ways to address the motive.
  • Stay fully committed to trying the alternative responses and do not let your subconscious mind ruin your reframing attempts.

Reframing is recognized as a  therapeutic technique because of its ability to modify perceptions and it proves that it’s possible to break free from negative or inappropriate responses.


3. The Swish Method

This, extremely versatile and powerful NLP technique can simply clip any limiting the effect of negative thoughts in your mind. The aim of the Swish method is to identify mental and emotional triggers of negativity and replace them with an ideal positive response. While using this technique, you coach your brain to switch on a �happier mode� whenever certain negative thoughts begin to overpower you.

How to use the Swish NLP technique:

  • Identify the feeling or situation that triggers anxiety.
  • Understand how your mind and body reacts to such feelings
  • Think about how you would ideally like to respond to such a situation
  • This is known as the replacement thought.
  • Now visualize the negative state and try placing the replacement thought over it. Ensure that it appears bigger and stronger while making the negative emotion blurry and weaker.

 As it happens with all the other NLP techniques for happiness, you need to practice the Swish Method a few times to ensure the replacement thought becomes the default response. So, do it at least five times and speed up the visualization with each round. To check for effectiveness, evoke the trigger thought/feeling and its context, and see how you feel about it.


Learning NLP techniques benefits an individual in many different ways like boosting confidence, overcoming fear and anxiety, personality development, controlling emotions, etc. If you�re looking for the perfect NLP coaching, Changeworx is the right choice! The Licensed NLP trainer Mr. Amit Pathak not only teaches with ease and effectiveness but also resolves your queries individually which can eventually make you a great NLP coach.


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